Course Scheduling Algorithm

9/5/2020 techresearch

During the past summer, I worked at a friend's tech startup and established a course scheduling system. I served as a full stack engineer for backend, frontend, and algorithm. In the following I will share some ideas and insights on the algorithm.

# Baloney

  1. As informed by Professor Madeleine Udell (opens new window), Bill Gates (opens new window) wrote a class scheduling program for his school in exchange for computer time. As the rumor (opens new window) says, he tweaked the program’s code so that he was placed in classes with mostly female students
  2. While I was a voluntary teacher teaching English in last September, a local teacher complained to me about the hassle of spending so much time scheduling courses for the entire school. Even with cheap pirated software, he still had to manually adjust schedules in order to satisfy various requirements proposed by other teachers. I immediately realized that integer programming should be quite helpful for the algorithm. However, I forgot most of what I learned in Optimization II, let alone how to transform the data into code
  3. The course scheduling program can be classified into 2 types: high school (fixed timeslots) or college (flexible timeslots), but I will only talk about the 1st, as the system I developed served high schools
  4. It can be proved (opens new window) that the decision problem is NP-complete and the optimization problem is NP-hard. Let m be the number of slots and n the number of schedules. Since each schedule must be assigned to a slot, there are mnm^n possible ways to schedule courses (if m = 40 and n = 100, then 4010040^{100} is about 1.607×101591.607 \times 10^{159}). Thus, we have to come up with some smart tricks to restrict this astronomical complexity and turn it close to polynomial runtime

# Data Models

Code should be designed around data instead of the other way around. Thus, building sensible data models is crucial. Given existing data models in teacher, class, course (taught by at most 1 teacher and to at most 1 class), I created a few more models, two most essential of which are slot and schedule.

Slot is a timeslot and has the following information:

  • start time
  • end time
  • school day
  • free (if false, no schedule can be assigned to this slot)

Schedule is 1 weekly session of a course (can be many sessions) and contains following information:

  • course
  • teacher
  • class
  • room
  • slot (refers if assigned to the slot)

# Integer Programming (IP)

Through careful review over ORIE 3310 course notes, and help of Cornell professors, I was able to realize the algorithm in code. In the following, I will restrict to the math formulations of IP rather than code.

What is integer programming? According to Wikipedia (opens new window), it is a mathematical optimization or feasibility program in which some or all of the variables are restricted to be integers. In many settings, the term refers to integer linear programming (ILP), in which the objective function and the constraints (other than the integer constraints) are linear.

Here is an linear program in canonical form:

maximizecTxsubject toAxbx0 \begin{array}{ll} \text{maximize} & \mathbf{c}^{\mathrm{T}} \mathbf{x} \\ \text{subject to} & A \mathbf{x} \le \mathbf{b} \\ & \mathbf{x} \ge \mathbf{0} \end{array}

An integer linear program (ILP) has the additional integrality constraints: xZn\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{Z}^{n}.

A mixed integer linear program (MILP) has some variables constrained to be integers, and others not.

In the following math formulations, all decision variables are binary: 00 or 11, a special case of integer programming, and a usual practice for assignment problems (opens new window).

# Complexity

LPs can be solved efficiently (in polynomial time), but ILPs and MILPs are NP-complete due to additional constraints.

# Basic Formulation

Whether assigning a schedule to a slot is a binary decision and I need a boolean variable to represent it. For each slot ii and schedule jj, a binary decision variable x[i, j] is defined. There are m * n decision variables and 2mn2^{mn} assignment possibilities, where m is number of slots and n number of schedules.

Further, the core constraint is to have no conflict in the timetable, i.e., no more than 11 schedule of each course, teacher, class, or room in each slot. To represent these in math:

Boolean Condition: 00 means schedule jj is not assigned to slot ii, 11 means positive.
xij=0/1\mathbf{x}_{ij} = 0/1
for all slots i[1..m]i \in [1..m] and schedules j[1..n]j \in [1..n]

Note that for now, each course is taught by one and only one teacher, so the Unique Course condition can be satisfied by the below Unique Teacher condition.

Unique Teacher: for each slot, at most 1 out of all schedules by a teacher is assigned.
jTxij1\sum_{j \in \mathbf{T}} \mathbf{x}_{ij} \le 1
for each i[1..m]i \in [1..m], where TT is the set of schedules taught by each teacher

Unique Class: for each slot, at most 1 out of all schedules from a course is assigned.
jCxij1\sum_{j \in \mathbf{C}} \mathbf{x}_{ij} \le 1
for each i[1..m]i \in [1..m], where CC is the set of schedules of each class

Unique Room: for each slot, at most 1 out of all schedules in a room is assigned.
jRxij1\sum_{j \in \mathbf{R}} \mathbf{x}_{ij} \le 1
for each i[1..m]i \in [1..m], where RR is the set of schedules in each room

And don't forget! We must assign each schedule in some slot.
i=1mxij=1\sum_{i = 1}^{m} \mathbf{x}_{ij} = 1
for each j[1..n]j \in [1..n]

# Parallel Electives

It should be obvious that for a set of classes (usually a grade), compulsory and elective courses taken by a class should not be scheduled in the same slot. To go one step further, the high school requires the feature "parallel electives", which requires a set of courses enrolled by a set of classes to be assigned at a same slot. A student from these classes can thus only choose at most one out of these courses for this semester.

It is enforced that each schedule can only belong to one parallel elective.

For the math formulation, I will start with an illustrative example. Say we have three courses, AA, BB, CC, and each has kk weekly schedules (same number of schedules is recommended but not required). Therefore, schedules A1A_1, ..., AkA_k, B1B_1, ..., BkB_k, C1C_1, ..., CkC_k store the same id of a parallel elective. AA, BB, CC are then zipped and produced kk combinations: [A1,B1,C1][A_1, B_1, C_1], ..., [Ak,Bk,Ck][A_k, B_k, C_k]. For each combination in a parallel elective, the schedules are either all scheduled in a slot or not:
j1,j2P,j1j2xij1=xij2\sum_{j_1, j_2 \in \mathbf{P}, j_1 \ne j_2} x_{ij_1} = x_{ij_2}
for each slot i[1..m]i \in [1..m], where PP represents the pp-th combination [Ap,Bp,Cp][A_p, B_p, C_p] and p[1..k]p \in [1..k]

# Assigned Schedules

Sometimes the administrator may have assigned some schedules to some slots already, so the algorithm only deals with free schedules. However, we need to satisfy no-conflict constraints with the assigned schedules. There are basically two ways to deal with assigned schedules (say schedule jj is assigned to slot ii):

  1. Assign decision variables involving assigned slot and schedule to 11, so that the free schedules automatically satisfy previous constraints. E.g., set x[i,j]=1x[i, j] = 1
  2. All the other schedules with same teacher, class, room as schedule jj should not be assigned at slot ii. E.g., if schedule jj is a physics course and taught by Albert to class Thoreau, then decision variable of any free schedule that is a physics course or taught by Albert or taught to class Thoreau is set to 00 at slot ii.

The 1st way has the number of decision variables equal to that of all schedules but has less constraints. The 2nd way has the number of decision variables equal to that of only free schedules but has more constraints.

# Further Requirements

Clearly, the administrator was not happy enough with the basic requirements above and wanted to minimize manual adjustments. He proposed two additional needs:

  1. Some teachers cannot teach any course in certain slots
  2. Assign two consecutive schedules for certain times (max is floor(# schedules / 2)) per week

The 1st requirement is easy whereas the 2nd is more tricky.

# Slot -> Teacher(s)

Say teacher tt is not free at slot ii:
jTxij=0\sum_{j \in \mathbf{T}} x_{ij} = 0
for each i[1..m]i \in [1..m], where TT is the set of schedules taught by teacher tt

# Consecutive Schedules

Say there are 2 schedules j1j_1 and j2j_2 to be assigned to 2 slots ii and i+si + s, where ss is the number of school days (usually 55). Thus, x[i, j_1] and x[i + s, j_2] should both be set to 11 (product of 2 decision variables) to ensure the consecutive condition. In reality, ii can be any slot []\in [0..m-s], and consecutives\text{consecutives} is the mapping from a course to # consecutives.

Here are the constraints:
i=0msj1,j2C,j1j2x[i,j1]×x[i+s,j2]consecutives[C]\sum_{i = 0}^{m - s} \sum_{j_1, j_2 \in \mathbf{C}, j_1 \neq j_2} x[i, j_1] \times x[i + s, j_2] \le \text{consecutives}[\mathbf{C}]
where CC is the set of schedules of each course

And the objective is basically to maximize sum of LHS of constraints.

This formulation works theorectically, but it has nonlienar terms(product of 2 decision variables) in both constraints and objective. It is no longer standard IP, and so requires AddMultiplicationEquality (opens new window) from CP-SAT solver (opens new window) to create a new decision variable for each product of x.

# Heuristic Algorithms

Following are some heuristic algorithms that I know of and may also solve the course scheduling problem but undoubtedly inferior to IP.

# Genetic Algorithm (GA)

Before integer programming, I initially used GA for the course scheduling algorithm, as there are more code using GA on GitHub than IP. After 3 weeks of trial and error, I was finally able to come up with a viable implementation of crossover, mutation, and fitness function. Though it is easy to tweak fitness function as requirements add on, it has so many caveats (opens new window):

  • GAs are not suited for all problems, especially problems which are simple and for which derivative information is available.
  • Fitness value is calculated repeatedly which might be computationally expensive for some problems.
  • Being stochastic, there are no guarantees on the optimality or the quality of the solution.
  • If not implemented properly, the GA may not converge to the optimal solution.
  • Stochastic algorithms in general can have difficulty obeying equality constraints.
  • GA is sensitive to the initial population used. Wide diversity of feasible solutions is what you want.

Essentially, GA depends heavily on the randomized generated initial population and may be ineffective or inefficient if not operated properly. There is a consensus in academia that GA, though a generic problem solver, is at best the 2nd best way to solve any problem.

Simply put, in terms of course scheduling, GA gives an expedient solution but IP gives an optimal one.

# Manual Simulation

My colleagues remind me of a simple algorithm: simulate the manual way of scheduling courses and tackle by each course/teacher/class. This would gradually reduce the number of free schedules. Though it works for basic cases, it does not work well with more requirements (such as parallel electives and consecutive schedules).

In short, though intuitive, the algorithm does not go much further than manual scheduling. Unfortunately, like GA, no strict math proof can be given to ensure the existence of a feasible solution.

# Timeline

Following is the timeline for implementation of algorithms: GA and IP.

Time Description
early June spent 3 weeks on GA, but does not work well with large number of schedules
late July - mid August thought about IP formulations, and read the assignment example problem (opens new window)
8/14 11:41 a.m. got 1st answer from IP to satisfy basic requirements
8/17 11:00 p.m. finished parallel electives
9/17 3:35 a.m. converted from MIP to CP-SAT solver
9/18 9:42 p.m. finished consecutive schedules

Other times I was doing backend and frontend development.

# Thanks

My great thanks go to many of my friends, who listened to my vague ideas, challenged me with insightful questions, and inspired me to pursue excellence.

My special thanks go to Professor David Williamson (opens new window), who elegantly taught ORIE 3310 in spring 2017 at Cornell, patiently answered my ignorant questions in emails and suggested to me the extremely useful Google OR-Tools (opens new window).

My very special thanks go to my mom (opens new window), who persistently helped find so many bugs in my initial system without grudges, and constantly encouraged me to keep on refining it.