Mac Notes

3/9/2020 tech

This blog illustrates some notes on using my Mac (model was released in mid 2015, OS is Catalina 10.15).

# Clean Unused Homebrew Dependencies

Like apt-get autoremove in Ubuntu, I have too many unused homebrew dependencies and want to clean them.

brew bundle dump && brew bundle --force cleanup

# Accented Chars vs. Key Repeat

Mac enables users to hold down a letter key and show accented or special chars.

To enable pop-up and disable key repeat, could set ApplePressAndHoldEnabled to true:

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true

However, as I used Vim(commands and config) more and more, I see popping up the accented chars less useful.

To disable pop-up and enable key repeat, could set ApplePressAndHoldEnabled to false:

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

# German Key Combs

Happy ending? Not yet! I recently started learning German and had to find some workaround to type the following chars and symbols (using US keyboard layout).

The German letters:

  • ä: Option u + a
  • ö: Option u + o
  • ü: Option u + u
  • ß: Option s

The lower and upper quotes:

  • : Option Shift w
  • : Option Shift [

The Euro symbol:

  • : Option Shift 2

Note that I actually searched online and saw other key combs, but don't work.

# Add Input Source

Another way to guarantee typing the correct German chars, or any language's chars is to use the corresponding input source. This could be done on Mac by: System Preferences \rightarrow Keyboard \rightarrow Input Souces \rightarrow ++ \rightarrow {another language}.

# Further

Please see this article for more details (opens new window) on keyboard viewer, quotes, ellipsis, and IA writer.

# Terminal Caveats

Following are some common caveats for Unix terminal.

# Change Root Password

sudo passwd root

# Terminal Proxy w/ Socks5

It's fairly easy to use a socks5 proxy in browser, but how to use it in terminal, especially when downloading from GitHub is super slow in China? From this article (opens new window) I made the following terminal proxy settings.

In sock5 proxy app set:

  • Local Socks5 Listen Address \rightarrow
  • Local Socks5 Port \rightarrow 1086
  • Connection Timeout \rightarrow 60

Then in sh config file (.bashrc for Bash):

# set/unset proxy in terminal
alias setproxy="export ALL_PROXY=socks5://"
alias unsetproxy="set -e ALL_PROXY"

# set/unset proxy just for Git
alias agent="git config --global http.proxy socks5://;git config --global https.proxy socks5://;git config --global http.sslVerify false"
alias unagent="git config --global --unset http.proxy;git config --global --unset https.proxy"

# Disable Proxy for Development Server

SET NO_PROXY=localhost
yarn start # or `npm run start`

# Mute/Unmute Startup Chime

# mute
sudo nvram StartupMute=%01
# unmute
sudo nvram StartupMute=%00

# Fish Set Path

# set path
set PATH <newdir> $PATH

# nohup not Hang Up

From here (opens new window) I see:

shopt | grep hupon

# Check Disk Space

How to check free disk space in Linux (opens new window)

# Search for some Pattern in a Directory

Search for some Pattern in a Directory (opens new window)

# Why a Process is Killed

dmesg -T | egrep -i 'killed process'

# Delete a Folder Quickly

perl -e 'for(<*>){((stat)[9]<(unlink))}'

# Folder Sizes under Current Directory in Descending Order

du -sch * .[!.]* | sort -rh

# Change Priority of Scheduled Job

Whenever any process is started in Linux, it is assigned a priority level of 0 by default. Linux Kernel automatically schedules the process and allocates CPU time accordingly for each process.

However, if we want to define the priority level of a process while launching it, we can do so using the nice command utility. If we want to define the priority level of a running process, we can use the renice command utility.

The priority level of a process is called as nice value of the process. In Linux, this nice value can range from 20-20 to 1919.

TODO: merge this file w/